Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This year in Community Bible study we are studying the book of Luke. It has been an excellent study. I have been reading Luke 7 this week as I do my homework for this Thursday's class. An interesting point has been highlighted that in past readings of this chapter I must have skipped over.
At this point in Jesus' ministry, John the Baptist was in prison. He sends two men to Jesus to ask Him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" WAIT. John the Baptist asked this? John, about whom it was prophesied would "go before the Lord to prepare the way for him"? (Luke 1:76b) John, who when he baptized Jesus, saw heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus in the form of a dove? (Luke 3:22)

Why would this man have doubts, questions?

First of all, because we all experience times of doubt, and how comforting to know that such a godly man did, too.
But second, and most importantly, (in my opinion), because he was isolated and out of fellowship as he sat in that prison cell.
Some of our darkest thoughts come when we are alone. When we remain alone, and outside of the community of Christ, those thoughts can get darker still.
What a great lesson of why we need to stay connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ!
And, for me, it was also convicting due to the aloneness some people in my life are experiencing, because they are incarcerated by the choices they have made. May I have more compassion for those in that situation, and realize how much they need confirmation of God's love and presence.

1 comment:

B.W. said...

i love ya- no doubt about that! ----- in bed.
oh wait, you only add in bed at the end of fortune cookies, not blog comments. my bad.