Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ministry update

When June and George, two of the spiritual giants in my life, asked ME to take over the Bible study they were teaching at a senior citizens community, I hesitated for many days, and then said I would commit on a trial basis. (see previous blogs for full story)
It has been two months and I am happy to report....it's going great! Better than I could have ever hoped.
I am so impressed at how many MEN come to Bible study! And these men are wise and gentle and well educated on the Scriptures. The people that attend are retired doctors, engineers, school superintendents . They are active, forthright, and so interesting. I never feel as if I have to pull teeth to get a discussion going. In fact, I have been given a little bell to ring to settle the crowd back into Bible study mode!!
Last week I asked for a testimony of a time one of them had a direct word from the Lord in their lives, a time when they felt divine intervention. Betty, a retired reading specialist and elementary superintendent, told about the time after her mothers' death, she felt she needed to move back to Pennsylvania to help her father. At the time she was a superintendent of schools in New York. She prayed about it and let it in God's hands. Two weeks later, unsolicited by her, she received a letter from Dr. Carson from N. Allegheny school district. Dr. Carson (for whom Carson Middle School is now named) asked her to come for an interview. She got the position, and soon was back in Pa with her widower father. She told the story with a tear in her eye, and we all were moved as well at the Lord's care and concern over the details of our lives.
So far we have studied Jonah and Philemon (they expressed their delight in studying small books that are often ignored) and now we are on Luke. I couldn't be more thrilled with all I am learning by being in study with these godly men and women.

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