Saturday, August 7, 2010

There's a Light....

This past week was the annual stay at Barnard House Bed and Breakfast. Many hilarious moments happened, and gobs of memories were made. I would be hardpressed to reveal a FAVORITE memory, but I can tell you the one that I am proudest of: we went on a 14 mile bike hike. OK, maybe riding 14 miles on a bike does not seem like a big deal to you. Other years at the B and B we had gone on long bike hikes. But here is the extra kicker: the ride included going through a dark and scary tunnel that curves in the middle so you cannot see the end when you first enter. I had never been brave enough in the past to face the tunnel.
My brother-in-law, an avid biker and no novice to the tunnel, was the first to enter. I followed directly behind. My bike had a very small and dim light on it. After two or three pedals into the tunnel, I was completely disoriented and freaked out. A huge drop of something wet smacked me on top of the head. I was slightly nauseous from fear and confusion. I had the light on my handlebars.... why couldn't I see better and focus on a goal?
It was then I realized my light was pointing down. It wasn't illuminating the path ahead. I quickly adjusted the light to point toward what was in front of me and I suddenly regained my bearings and picked up momentum. Soon the tunnel curved and in the distance the light from the opening on the other end could be seen. This spurred me on to keep going, keep pedalling. Making it through that tunnel was a huge victory for me.
It occurred to me that life can be like that as well. When we don't let Jesus , our Light, illuminate the way, we get lost and disoriented. Life can be a dark and scary tunnel with twists and turns that don't allow us to see the end. But if Jesus is pointing the way ahead, we can be sure we can make it through and experience victory.

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