Saturday, September 12, 2009

Family Pride

This afternoon, I am listening to Geneva vs. St Vincent on the internet. This college football game is being played in Latrobe at Chuck Noll Field, and I am unable to be there. How great is it that our technology allows me to blog while I am listening to the internet broadcast?
Two of my nephews, Matt and Jordan, are on the Geneva football team. Matt, a junior, is a defensive back. Jordan is a freshman, is a running back and also plays on special teams.
I am so proud of these two young men. Matt has embraced all Geneva stands for. Check out Geneva's website sometime. All of their web pages have Scripture on them, and have this tag line
Jesus Christ in all. Lord over all.
In an age when our higher education institutions are getting more and more liberal, Geneva stands as a beacon for righteousness.
Matt has felt that the Geneva football team is a true band of brothers. The whole team treats one another like family. We were all delighted when Jordan decided he wanted to join his brother at this fine Christian college.
Geneva is winning the game, after being down 14-0, and I just heard them say "And that tackle was made by Matt Curry."
I am so proud of those boys.....especially their commitment to Christ.

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