Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ashton's Wisdom

OK, I tweet
Did you know I am on twitter?
I am not sure why....but sometimes it's fun to splash a comment across the screen in 140 characters or less.
I follow between 20-30 people. Beth, Jeremy, Jaime, my niece Charissa,and nephew Frank are a few people I follow. The little blurbs they post help me to keep in touch with what is going on in their universe.
I first got on twitter this summer, I believe...around the time when Ashton Kutcher was trying to beat cnn to see who could get the most followers. Whoever hit one million followers on twitter first won. Not being a big fan of cnn, I began to follow Ashton Kutcher, he of That 70's Show and Punked fame.
What I have learned about Ashton from his tweets is this: he is big on fantasy football, he is passionate about helping people all over the world, he truly loves his older wife Demi, and once in a while he comes up with a really good tweet.
Here is a tweet from Ashton today:

Swallow your pride occasionally; it's non-fattening.

Thanks Ashton. I needed that.

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