Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sports Superstitions

Sports Superstitions. We all seem to have them. We all seem to go along with them, no matter how silly they seem/sound. How many times around Pittsburgh have you heard, "Don't disrespect the towel" ? Stop and think about how ridiculous that sounds. Yet, as Steeler fans, we honor that edict.
One year Jon bought Kordell Stewart's football shoes (signed) from the WTAE Bundle Up auction. We put those shoes on top of the TV and felt they brought the team luck. Do you think we could GIVE those shoes away now?? Doubt it.
There are sports fans everywhere who have certain routines, articles of clothing, chants, and so on that they do repeatedly to "do their part" to bring a victory to their team.
Deep down, do we really believe we are effecting the outcome of the game?
My family has gone so far as to say that everyone must sit in the same seat every game (if this particular configuration has brought us luck in previous "big games")
Last week when the Steelers played Baltimore, our boys were losing at halftime. I went upstairs to watch the second half in bed, and when we tied it up in the 4th quarter, came back downstairs to watch overtime. Jon was screaming at me to go back upstairs, they tied it up with me out of the room!! Jer took pity on me and said I could stay; surely my presence wasn't going to jinx the team. We all know what happened; we lost in OT.
That brings me to today, when Pitt plays for the Big East championship against undefeated Cincinnati at Heinz Field. I would much rather still be sleeping right now, but I was jerked wide awake before 6am with this thought: Jon's lucky jeans that he has worn to every home game that Pitt has won this year, NEED TO GO IN THE DRYER.
I've done my part. Hail to Pitt.

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