Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Be Intentional

Last night was our Christmas small group. During the month of December we have been doing all lessons based on the events surrounding the birth of Christ. The theme on this our last small group of 2009 was "Get Organized". This particular devotion was written by a woman who is one of those extremely organized list-makers. Although being organized is completely opposite from my habits, there were so many good thoughts in this that I had to share!
We first jotted down what we would like to feel on THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS DAY. Almost everyone wrote down joy, peace, love....and then there were words like "restful", "fun", "unity". As a woman who is often frazzled by having the pressure of having her house look like a Christmas card, her Christmas meal delicious, hot, and on the table on time, and please everyone by the gifts they open...restful is not a word that would ever come to mind. But isn't that my fault that I put that much pressure on myself....and if I am intentional in letting the "picture perfect Christmas" go, I can feel more peace and rest?
Then we jotted down what EVENTS around Christmas day bring Jesus into our hearts and minds the most and with it, bring those feelings of love, peace and joy. Many talked about memories of past Christmas Eve services, the beautiful Christmas hymns we sing around Christmas, and seeing Christmas through a child's eyes. Also discussed was time for prayer, devotion, silence and awe.
The point of the lesson was if we Plan, Get Organized in our thoughts, BE INTENTIONAL in our celebration of Christmas, we can experience deeper meaning. All in all it was good food for thought 4 days before the big day.
Topping off our last small group of 2009 were Barb's awesome Christmas cookies (I swear there were 16 different varieties on that tray) and Don's BOMB cupcakes.

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