Sunday, January 24, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

When the kids were little, one of the bedtime songs I used to sing them was "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...." In honor of that, today's post is going to be on a few of my favorite things:

Rainy Sundays, like today, when there is a plethora of sports to watch. Two NFL playoff games, a Penguin game, and THE PITT PANTHERS MENS BASKETBALL TEAM is playing. I am shivering with excitment!!

Slightly burnt pizza, slightly burnt toast, and slightly burnt popcorn. The latter has landed me in a little trouble as I HAVE set the microwave at Verizon Wireless on fire before.

A cocoa massage at Hershey spa. It's simply the best.

New York City. Nothing beats the excitment of the Big Apple.

Potatoes. Of any kind.

Hanging out with my daughter. We click. I am blessed.

Having a good book to read. Don't talk to me. I won't hear you.

Spending time with my sisters. We were raised to be best friends, and we are.

Overnights at Bed and breakfasts/country inns with my sweetheart.

Romantic comedies.
These are a few of my favorite things.....what are yours?

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