Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Home Remedies

Everyone seems to have a home remedy to share, whether it be how to stop hiccups, how to tame a cowlick, or how to overcome insomnia.

All of our mothers and grandmothers handed down sure-fire cures that sometimes involve odd ingredients or unusual potions or maybe even awkward actions. (Have you ever tried drinking from the other side of a glass? did you get wet?)

My mother swears that if you feel faint, you just sit and hang your head between your knees....which often was a bit dramatic not to mention awkward if she would assume the position in public.

Which she did. On more than one occasion. With a flair and a snap.

But I digress.
This week I am suffering from a chest cold with a deep cough that is nagging and annoying at night (just ask my husband). Last night it was non-stop. Sometime during the middle of the night I remembered a home remedy that was being passed around at work. I got up and tried it. It did the trick!

So the next time you or your children are coughing at night, rub Vicks on the soles of your feet and put on a pair of socks. Guaranteed your coughing will stop. Odd, but true.

1 comment:

B.W. said...

grandma is such a diva!