Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun Getaway

"Friendship is what gets your through the bad times and helps you enjoy the good times'" -Annonymous

Jon and I have known Barb and Ed for over 28 years. Jon first met this loving couple on an appointment to sell them insurance! And, the next thing we know, they show up at our church. We all have been going to the same church ever since. I first saw Barb in the nursery, as we sat with our newborns (Nick and Josh). I don't think Jon and I have ever met two nicer people than Barb and Ed. Most of you have never met two nicer people than Barb and Ed.
Our ties go deep. Barb and I have been involved, side-by-side, in many ministires: Kids Klub, Bible school, missionary prayer groups; we wrote Sunday school curriculum together; we took our daughters on vacation to Ocean City; been roommates at missionary retreats. Ed has been our go-to guy for every maintenance issue we've ever had, and watched over our daughter Bethany on the church mission trip to Mexico. We knew she was in good hands.
Recently Barb mentioned that Ed will be celebrating a big birthday soon; so, it seemed only right that the four of us plan a special getaway to mark the occasion.
We settled on Annapolis, Maryland for our destination, and we were each able to carve out three days to go away.
We stayed at a lovely Westin right in town that had a complimentary shuttle to the waterfront historic area. A harbor cruise was a highlight of the weekend, as well as an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. Ed ate oysters in a half shell as if it were his life's work. We buzzed over to Baltimore for a day and, to the delight of baseball-nut Jon, toured Babe Ruth's birthplace and museum.
All of the activities were fun, but what will live on in infamy is the laughs. Tears ran and bellys hurt for the duration of the trip.
A good time was had by all, and we know that we are there for each other through thick and thin.

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