Saturday, October 30, 2010

How are we blessed? let me count the ways

Although we are tres disappointed in the support we have been receiving from the authorities (see previous post), I would be remiss if I did not state loud and clear how VERY BLESSED we have been throughout this fostering situation by our friends and family.
First of all, the prayer support. Without your prayers, we would be flat on our backs with an IV sticking out of our arms. No kidding. The physical work involved in having a 2yr old and a 4yr old at age 54 is staggering. We have felt the extra measure of patience at bedtimes (most nights), at mealtimes with copious spills and demands, and during potty training (repeat: most times). Those are the three biggest challenges with the younger 2. Bedtime has become easier as they are falling into a more peaceful routine. Mealtime remains challenging; and potty training has always gotten the best of me. I suck at it. Period.
The meals that have come from near and far have been lifesavers. IF I NEVER HAD TO COOK AGAIN I WOULD BE ONE HAPPY LADY. So to each who has provided a casserole, a roast, pasta or chicken, THANK YOU.
The care-taking: So many have stepped up to lovingly watch the children when we have needed it. Of the two months we have had them, we have had 3 weeks of free daycare at a Christian daycare. It has been wonderful for them to learn in that godly atmosphere. But filling in at other times have been loving and godly friends and family that have opened their home and hearts to them.
The "stutz" (stuff) as E would say: Clothes, toys, beds, sheets, blankets, wipes, and pull-ups. Just yesterday we came home to find two cases, one pink, one blue, of pull-ups on our front porch.
Blessed? I WOULD SAY SO!

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