Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye first decade

I am quickly getting my post in before the ball drops so that I can properly say goodbye to the first decade of the new millenium. These last ten years (where have they gone??) have seen all 3 of my children graduate from college .....praise You Lord.....and two go on to post-graduate degrees. This decade has introduced our family to Levi, probably one of the biggest and best changes for us personally.
This decade was a time when I joined an in-depth Bible study that challenges me weekly.
These ten years had its share of struggles as well. Struggles that taught us once again that God is in control and that Jesus is our peace. Hard times that made us lean even harder on the Savior. Rough seas that have us saying Thank you Jesus, at least in hindsight.
What do I look for in the next ten years? Would be very grateful for continued good health. Would love to see retirement on the horizon. And, number one on my list, and this should surprise no one, is grandchildren. :)
Goodbye 2009....Happy New Year everyone!!

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