Sunday, January 3, 2010

No playoffs this year

Well what we all dreaded in Pittsburgh happened today: the Steelers will not be in the playoffs this year.
Not that any of us thought they deserved it after losing game after game....after not having the defense show up for many games....after struggling so much all season.
But admit it, there was a part of you that thought, this is our Steelers...the ones with the magic in them. Surely they will pull the rabbit out of the hat one more time and squeak into the post season.
I was ALMOST a believer when they won the game against Miami today (though they almost blew that, too)
But as the score of the New England-Houston game crawled across the bottom of the TV screen, I felt hope begin to slip away. I did not glue myself to the next game in question, Baltimore-Oakland, but when Bethany and I got back from a short jaunt to Target/Starbucks, I checked in to watch Oakland let the game slip away. There went our last chance!
Today I am comforting myself in the fact that the Pitt Panthers Mens Bball team, though unranked, beat 5th ranked Syracuse yesterday by 10. Pitt is supposed to have a rebuilding year and there are no expectations. Maybe, just maybe, they will be entertaining enough to make this Steeler-less winter bearable. Here's hoping.


HB said...

So sad for the Steelers! Just not our year... =/

Shari said...

I realize I will be unpopular for saying this, but honestly, they didn't *earn* it this year. They waited until too late in the season to get revved up and do what they needed to do on the field to win games, so I think in all fairness, they didn't deserve to advance. Maybe this will be a good lesson for them and next year will be much better.