Thursday, January 7, 2010

Love/Hate Relationship

I have found that I possess a love/hate relationship with things, ideas, and yes, even some people.

The people I have this with are not people I actually KNOW. It's mostly celebrities/quasi-celebrities.

For example, Jennifer Anniston. Love her in films/ hate her politics. Dan Marino: love his blue eyes and his talent/hated when he played the Steelers.

So today I am going to admit that I have a love/hate relationship with snow.

I am currently looking out at about 9 inches of snow piled on my deck. There is something very beautiful about snowfall and the wonderland it creates. The other day when the wet, heavy snow stuck to the limbs of the trees in our backyard, I couldn't help but be in awe of the beauty that God created. Sunshine on fresh snow--breath-taking!!

Who doesn't love a white Christmas? It makes things picture-perfect, at least from inside looking out!

I also love the way that snow bonds us. When a snowstorm is predicted, everyone is abuzz about the coming storm and what it will bring, mean, cause, create. Bring=inches; mean=trip to the store; cause=traffic woes; create=havoc. It gets people talking! It's a major conversation-starter. People often feel awkward when in an elevator with strangers, but if there is a snowstorm in the forecast, everyone talks like brothers. I can't help but feel an excitement brewing inside me when a snowstorm is predicted!!

The hate part of the relationship is pretty obvious. I hate cold weather. I can't stand shoveling, cleaning off my car, scraping off ice, or driving on treacherous roads. My driveway is up a hill so often unusable in winter. I also hate when it starts snowing in November and we still have snow in March!

If the snow and I could make a deal, it would be perfect. Here would be my terms: dusting to a little more on Christmas Eve; melted by Dec 26th. Give us your best shot in January and let us deal with it. A few minor snows in February. Do not under any circumstances infringe upon March.

So that is my love/hate relationship with snow. How about you? How are you feeling about the white stuff?

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