Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Ministry for Me

Over twenty-seven years ago as a young, stay-at-home mother, I began to attend a weekly Bible study at Bakerstown Alliance taught by one of my spiritual mentors, June Klinzing. Part of the time I attended this study I did not have a car; so was transported by my buddy Paula Parker...we bundled our 4 kids into her station wagon and would head to Bible study. June laid such a firm foundation for my faith that I still quote godly precepts and Biblical principles I learned while studying under June. We studied "What Happens When Women Pray"; "Gaining Through Losing"; studies on the Holy Spirit; lessons on becoming a godly woman...deep and meaningful study that helped to form who I am today. Thank you June!
June went on from leading young moms to discipling and teaching senior citizens at the St. Barnabas high rise and later at The Woodlands at Valencia Woods. She and her godly husband George have been leading these two ministries for A LOT of years.
So to say I was surprised when approached in November by George about taking over these studies is to put it mildly. I never thought I would be leading a Bible study for senior citizens! June and George felt it was time for them to step away from these two areas of ministry.
To be honest, I had been asking God to lead me to a new area of service for Him. THE NIGHT BEFORE GEORGE ASKED ME, I had prayed for the Lord to show me what he had "next" for me. However, I did not put together this was "it" right away. I told George I needed to pray about it.
My schedule does not allow for me to lead the Wednesday study at St. Barnabas. But
I did have open space in my weekly calendar for Thursday afternoons, the time of the Woodlands study.
When praying about it, I felt God chastising me a little saying, you prayed on Friday; I answered on Saturday. Shortly thereafter, I stopped at June and George's house on my way home from work to say "yes" and receive prayer and annointing for this new adventure.
Do I feel up to this challenge? This I know: the Lord equips those He calls. I learned that from June.


L said...

Praying for you as you start this new journey. I know that it will be an amazing adventure for you, and those senior citizens will be blessed by your presence!

B.W. said...

love the new pics on this blog!!

Charissa said...

I'm so excited for you! it's going to be fun!