Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine Tradition

When Josh graduated from high school in 1999, a bunch of us moms banded together to form an unofficial support group as our first born sons went off to college. Having your first leave the nest can be traumatic...we all weren't really sure how this would play out in our lives and how we would cope with the separation. We began to go out to dinner one time a month and talk about how the boys were doing; and more importantly, how WE were doing! We discovered a lot about ourselves and each other while breaking bread together....

Friendships deepened, and out of this group began the Valentine Tradition.

As many as six couples would get together every Valentine's Day in one of our homes for a full, blown-out dinner party. All of the ladies worked very hard when it was her turn to host. Not only did everyone whip up a fantastic meal, we all had decor for the occasion and favors for all guests. It was always a special evening, and everyone took their turn in a round-robin kind of way.

So last year when no one stepped up to the plate and we let the day pass without a celebration together, it was a real let-down. Marty was determined that wasn't going to happen this year and began making phone calls near the end of January.

I think it may have been Grace that suggested that we go out to dinner this year, as couples. Instead of having any one of us stressing out over filet mignon cooked to perfection, or a heart-shaped cake being iced to a T, we could sit back, relax, and be waited on.

So tonight we carried on our Valentine Tradition, in a new way, with a different twist.

Four couples met at Atria's in Richland and had good food , great commraderie and many laughs. All of our first born sons are done with college; we have two MBAs, one lawyer, and one PhD candidate! All are gainfully employed (yeah!) and one is engaged to be married this summer.

We will all reconnect once again at Matt's wedding in July and share more good times and laughs.

And of utmost importance, we all still have a good reason to celebrate Valentine's day. We all have been married 30 plus years to our sweethearts.

So glad we have a Valentine Tradition!

1 comment:

WeddObsessed said...

I love the effort you take to keep in touch with people and friends! Your tradition sounds very rewarding!