Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Stewards

My parents, who are 80 (dad) and 79 (mom) just arrived safely back from six weeks in Florida last Saturday. They have been spending part of the winter in Florida for over 25 years. My dad worked for US Steel for most of his adult life (with a detour of teaching high school and coaching football for 3 years). In the 80's, when the steel making industry experienced a downturn in production, my dad was offered early retirement. He took it, and thus began their annual trek to the Atlantic Coast of the Sunshine State.
My parents have always known how to do these trips in a thrifty way. They drive, (in their used car), stay in a moderately priced apartment complex, and limit their extravagances. They have limited their extravagances in most areas of life, but yet have enjoyed abundant blessings.
As I have studied through the book of Luke this winter, I could not help but think of my mom and dad in the area of wisdom and riches. They have lived on a fixed income for many years, but still have found ways to enjoy life and more importantly, to share with others.
Rarely have I visited their home that they are not planning to have someone to dinner, or are preparing a dinner to deliver to another family. Saturday when I visited was no exception. They had ordered some pizzas and mom had tossed a salad for our visit. They were packing up the leftovers to take to an "elderly couple" up the street from them. (The comment "elderly" coming from the 79 and 80 yr old).
With what money they do have, they have learned to trust God, not wealth; enjoy what God gives them; share; and be humble. What godly examples I have! I am blessed.

1 comment:

Shari said...

Clearly they raised one heck of a daughter, Patty! You're pretty wonderful, yourself!